
There is a growing consensus within the medical profession that pleurectomy/decortication is a better surgical treatment for mesothelioma than the previously more widely used surgical procedure, extra pleural pneumonectomy.  International studies have shown better outcomes in terms of quality of life and lung function, after pleurectomy/decortication.  Patients may also be better able to withstand other treatments such [...]

By | August 14th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Stockport Man with Mesothelioma Campaigns Against Asbestos in Public Buildings

Mr Staley from Stockport was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a cancer with a very strong link to asbestos exposure.  He has never worked directly with asbestos and believes that its presence in the workplace and in public buildings such as schools might have been the source of his and others' exposure.  He is campaigning for the removal of [...]

By | August 14th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

British Rail Asbestos Exposure

This is another example of the consequences of the long term use of asbestos by British Rail.  Along with many others, it was concluded that sadly Mr Spence was exposed to this harmful carcinogen when working on locomotive engines containing asbestos. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15462994.Asbestos_blamed_for_death_of_retired_train_engineer/

By | August 14th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Asbestos Falling Like Confetti

The wife of a former Dewsbury power station worker told an inquest into his death from asbestosis of the terrible working conditions which exposed him to asbestos.  Mr Geoffrey Hilton worked at Thornhill Power Station and died in January 2017.  The Coroner at inquest concluded that asbestos played a significant part in causing his premature death. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15385394.Asbestos_was___39_falling_like_confetti__39______inquest_is_told/ [...]

By | July 17th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Asbestos in Hospitals a “Ticking Time Bomb”

Concern is growing over the legacy of asbestos materials in many public buildings including schools and hospitals.  Whilst legislation exists for the monitoring and control of asbestos there is no central plan or policy for its removal from buildings in order to protect those using the buildings from potentially dangerous exposure.  As asbestos was considered such a [...]

By | July 17th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Asbestos Finally Banned in Canada

After many years of fiercely contested debate about the production and use of asbestos in Canada the end of this dangerous industry is at hand.  Proposals in 2016 to enact the ban by 2018 are on track and the acceptance, finally, by the Canadian authorities that any economic benefits arising from the asbestos industry are far [...]

By | July 17th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Domestic Exposure in California

Although the law in England and Wales long ago established that family members exposed to asbestos dust and fibres carried home on the clothes of loved ones who had come into contact with asbestos at work could sue the employer if they developed mesothelioma, the law in California is still uncertain.  Despite a long history [...]

By | July 13th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Woman Dies from Asbestos on her Father’s Clothing

This is another sad example of the harm done by asbestos even to those who never came into contact with it directly themselves.  Mrs Macgregor was exposed to the asbestos dust carried home on her father’s clothes, from his work as a pipe fitter, and developed mesothelioma many years later.  The case is a stark [...]

By | July 13th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Health and Safety Executive figures for Mesothelioma Deaths

The HSE released updated figures in July for Great Britain mesothelioma deaths up to 2015.  There were 2,542 mesothelioma deaths in 2015; very similar to the 2,519 deaths in 2014. The recent increase in mesothelioma numbers has been attributed mainly to additional deaths amongst those aged 70 and above. The current figures for this asbestos-related [...]

By | July 13th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme – Non-Employees

The Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme, introduced in 2014, provided a long awaited and much needed safety net for those affected by mesothelioma who are unable to recover compensation from former employers because they no longer exist and historical insurers for the employers cannot be found.  The Scheme has made significant payments to many applicants who [...]

By | July 6th, 2017|Blog Posts|0 Comments